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Innovative Studies And Modern Technology

Eligible for application is published original research work that is authored/co-authored by the applicant. The publication must be accepted for publication by a major international, peer-reviewed journal at the time of submission or published in the previous five years. The Category is not limited to the natural sciences. Innovative studies in other science disciplines, engineering or the humanities, if benefiting the date palm and/or agricultural sector of the region, will also be considered. A single publication must be chosen for the award application. Up to three other publications that are authored or co-authored by the applicant and directly linked to the main paper may be submitted as supplemental material (optional).

Books presenting research and scholarship (monographs) may also qualify. Editorial work will normally not be considered.


Award Prize:

Terms of subscription:

  • Application Form
  • English Abstract (Maximum 500 words)
  • Electronic Copy of the research or project (PDF format and Maximum 8MB)
  • Extension of research or project(PDF format and Maximum 8MB)(optional)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal photo
  • Passport copy
  • Ownership or commercial license of the property or farm
  • No objection letter (To Whom It May Concern) from your company that they do not mind to participating, in the award
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award in strict Secret
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award
  • The Coordination Office of the award will coordinate with the candidates to ensure the completion of all necessary paperwork
  • Application Form
  • English Abstract (Maximum 500 words)
  • Electronic Copy of the research or project (PDF format and Maximum 8MB)
  • Biography of the Foundation (or Company,or Organization)
  • Foundation Logo (or Company,or Organization)
  • Letter to the concerned party is officially approved by the Foundation
  • Letter of acknowledgment and pledge officially approved by the Foundation
  • Ownership or commercial license of the property or farm
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award in strict Secret
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award
  • The Coordination Office of the award will coordinate with the candidates to ensure the completion of all necessary paperwork