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Distinguished Producers,   

Manufacturers and Marketers

The Award is given to date producers, manufactures and marketers (individuals, organizations, commercial companies), that contributed to development of the date palm sector. The applicants should demonstrate their achievements and performance.


Award Prize:


  • Size and facilities of the farm (Farms).
  • Average annual date production & date palm productivity.
  • Types & varieties of high-quality commercial dates.
  • Farm quality management.
  • Good Agricultural practices (GAP) & Organic dates.
  • Application of new innovative & digital agricultural technologies.
  • Utilization of date palm residues & cellulose material.
  • Self development, via research & trials.
  • Social & economic impact on Environment.
  • Annual financial & administrative - audit report.
  • Certificates, awards, letters of appreciation, etc.

  • Capacity of the factory, Raw dates & facilities.
  • Machines' quality and technologies used.
  • Date types & varieties used and packaging.
  • Business and operation strategy & sustainability.
  • Number of date products, derived products, added value.
  • Good manufacturing practices (GMP).
  • Utilization of secondary and by-products.
  • Production of organic products.
  • Quality management & hygienic processing.
  • Financial & administrative auditing reports.
  • Quality certificates, branding, awards ….etc.

  • Size, facilities, worldwide sale, date products.
  • Worldwide consumer trends and food habits.
  • Digital strategy & interactive advertising.
  • Professional background on dates & date products.
  • Types, varieties and good quality dates & derived date products.
  • Marketing & promotion planning.
  • Branding policies and packaging.
  • Product differentiation marketing strategy to be distinguished.
  • Dates and end products market research projection.
  • Performance, report & Auditing, certificates, Awards …etc.

Terms of subscription:

  • Application Form
  • English Abstract (Maximum 500 words)
  • Electronic Copy of the research or project (PDF format and Maximum 8MB)
  • Extension of research or project(PDF format and Maximum 8MB)(optional)
  • Extension of research or project(PDF format and Maximum 8MB)(optional)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal photo
  • Passport copy
  • Ownership or commercial license of the property or farm
  • No objection letter (To Whom It May Concern) from your company that they do not mind to participating, in the award
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award in strict Secret
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award
  • The Coordination Office of the award will coordinate with the candidates to ensure the completion of all necessary paperwork
  • Application Form
  • English Abstract (Maximum 500 words)
  • Electronic Copy of the research or project (PDF format and Maximum 8MB)
  • Biography of the Foundation (or Company,or Organization)
  • Foundation Logo (or Company,or Organization)
  • Letter to the concerned party is officially approved by the Foundation
  • Letter of acknowledgment and pledge officially approved by the Foundation
  • Ownership or commercial license of the property or farm
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award in strict Secret
  • No files of the nomination are to be returned to the applicant, whether a winner or not. They will be kept in the head office of the award
  • The Coordination Office of the award will coordinate with the candidates to ensure the completion of all necessary paperwork